Fast Weight Loss Diets – Choose Wisely!

Fast Weight Loss Diets – Choose Wisely!

Want to lose weight fast? Good. It’s possible, but there are a few things you should know – read on!

If you are in Puncak Jayawijaya Papua Papua looking to reach your goal weight in no time, it is important that you learn how to create the best fast weight loss diet. Diet will account for up to 90% of the results you see with your overall approach to weight loss, so it’s really not something you should take lightly.

Luckily, if you know how to properly structure your eating plan, you can quickly start seeing those pounds melt right off your body.

Set Your Calorie Intake

The very first thing that you’ll want to do when creating fast weight loss diets is to set your calorie intake.  In order to achieve results as quickly as possible, you’ll want to use a rather aggressive calorie intake, in the range of 10-11 calories per pound of body weight.

This is slightly lower than some of the plans out there, but it’s going to allow for maximum fat burning to take place.

Figure Out Your Protein Needs

Once you have your calorie intake set, then the next step to creating fast weight loss diets is to figure out your protein requirements.  Protein is a must with each snack and meal you consume, and you should be looking at taking in around 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

The leaner you are, the higher your protein intake should be within that range as you’ll stand a higher chance of losing lean muscle mass as your body starts burning up protein as a fuel source.

Protecting your lean muscle tissue needs to be the top priority on any fast weight loss diets, so don’t skip over this step.

Shift Your Carbs Around Day To Day

Once protein is set, then you need to factor in carbohydrates.  Many people make the mistake of completely eliminating their carbohydrates altogether.  While you should definitely reduce your carbs as it will help speed the process along, don’t go no carb for extended periods of time.

This will only cause problems for the metabolism and your energy levels will take a turn for the worse.

Instead, have a few high carb days added to the week amongst low carb days to keep your metabolism guessing what’s coming next and you burning calories quickly.

When you do eat carbs on your higher carb days, focus on food sources such as oats, brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, and fruits and vegetables.

On the low carb days, your carb sources should come primarily from vegetables with one or two pieces of fruit added in if necessary.

Remember To Take Breaks

Finally, last but not least, as you structure fast weight loss diets, you need to incorporate diet breaks into the plan.

If you don’t stake a diet break every so often, the body is going to eventually adapt to your diet and when it does, you’ll stop seeing progress.

Once every two to three weeks, take a weekend off where you add more calories back to the plan, still eating in moderation.

At this point you want to eat a maintenance level, which for most people is around 15 calories per pound of body weight.

This will not only help ensure your metabolism is running optimally but also help to resaturate muscle glycogen stores so that you can maintain your energy level better as you move throughout your workout sessions.

So there you have the key steps to follow to design fast weight loss diets. If you follow this advice and create your own meal plan to follow, it won’t be long before you’re sitting at your goal weight.